RLJE Films and Shudder



coming to shudder March 21


Apple TV

Short Form

Southern Accidents - Five Hundred Bucks

Follicles - Five Hundred Bucks

Larry Gone Demon

Flesh of the Fresh, Blood of the Dove - The Holy Mess

No Television - The Can't Tells

Projects in development

Help us make these movies!
Email us @ [email protected] for project materials, lookbooks, and more!

Larry Gone Demon

A punk-rock horror-comedy about a band who go through hell and holy water to save the soul of their singer's possessed brother. The third installment in the Alliteration Records Universe.

axe girl goes kill

While battling her fabled masked killer in the thirteenth installment of a slasher franchise, final girl Cassie must confront her own origin story when the two timelines converge.

Deb vs the foot fetish killer

An (un)true crime comedy about a murderous mom who must contend with the possibility that her son is the hot, new serial killer in town.

Breaking Beelzebub

When a failed performer becomes entangled with a meth kingpin, he's offered the role of a lifetime: Exorcist.

Real Dale

An acid-soaked noir about a wannabe Gonzo journalist who sets out to uncover the story behind a depraved sex doll made in his exact image.

Matthew John Lawrence
writer / director

Matthew John Lawrence is an American writer, director, producer, and editor. With stories that are equal parts horror and heart, his work celebrates his love of comedy, cartoons, punk rock, practical effects, and the underdog.

a punk rock horror comedy

As the bassist of the 3-piece punk-rock band, DUH, Judy dreams of quitting her job and touring full time. But when the band finds themselves on their first tour with a man-eating hillbilly for a roadie, the "gig life" is paved with nightmares and half-eaten bodies.

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Rent or Buy on demand

microsoft xbox


Alamo On Demand

Apple TV

own the blu-ray

Get your dirty mitts on this madcap music & monster movie.Includes cast and crew commentary, music video by the Holy Mess, and the sickest chapter titles.


"Uncle Peckerhead is a blood-soaked, ghastly good time of a road movie"

It’s that same care-free spirit that elevates all of the characters in Uncle Peckerhead. Pair that with several hyperviolent deaths, a hilarious script, and a pitch-perfect cast of lovable weirdos, and you end up with the first must-see horror comedy of 2020.... It’s a small movie, but the heart and soul of Uncle Peckerhead stacks up with the best of them."

-Modern Horror, 1/26

"A Character-Driven Horror Comedy Worth Checking Out"

"This movie has a definite Scott Pilgrim vibe, with doses of Toxic Avenger and just a touch of Blues Brothers" Killcount, 9.5; Rating: 9 Peckerheads out of 10

-Horror Buzz, 1/26

"Uncle Peckerhead is great fun and a must-see!"

"I went into this film with a little bit of trepidation because the title made it sound like another run of the mill “kids go into the hills of Kentucky and get eaten by a redneck cannibal family” flicks. Thankfully, this film was the opposite of that, and I ended up loving every minute of it! It has a wry sense of humor that made it a lot of fun to watch. Peckerhead may be a monster, but he’s a cannibal with a heart of gold… well, almost. I loved the acting in this. David Littleton is brilliant as Peckerhead, and Chet Siegel shines as Judy. It goes without saying that the music in this was pretty badass, as it should be in a film about a band."

-Pop Horror

"A fun film full of outrageous gore and genuine heart."

"While real bands may never have to contend with man-eating monsters, anyone familiar with the music scene will be pleased to see a little bit of their own experience up there on the screen."

-Nightmarish Conjurings

Matthew John Lawrence

"A Character-Driven Horror Comedy Worth Checking Out

This movie has a definite Scott Pilgrim vibe, with doses of Toxic Avenger and just a touch of Blues Brothers" Killcount, 9.5; Rating: 9 Peckerheads out of 10

-Horror Buzz, 1/26

"Panic Fest 2020 Review: Uncle peckerhead is loads of fun

I went into this film with a little bit of trepidation because the title made it sound like another run of the mill “kids go into the hills of Kentucky and get eaten by a redneck cannibal family” flicks. Thankfully, this film was the opposite of that, and I ended up loving every minute of it! It has a wry sense of humor that made it a lot of fun to watch. Peckerhead may be a monster, but he’s a cannibal with a heart of gold… well, almost. I loved the acting in this. David Littleton is brilliant as Peckerhead, and Chet Siegel shines as Judy. It goes without saying that the music in this was pretty badass, as it should be in a film about a band.Uncle Peckerhead is great fun and a must-see!

-Pop Horror

"With UNCLE PECKERHEAD, Matthew John Lawrence has created a fun film full of outrageous gore and genuine heart.

While real bands may never have to contend with man-eating monsters, anyone familiar with the music scene will be pleased to see a little bit of their own experience up there on the screen."

-Nightmarish Conjurings